keskiviikko 19. helmikuuta 2025

7 Theses on the End Times End

1. The Darkening of the Sun and Moon as a Connecting Factor at the End Times End

The coming of the Son of Man in the clouds (1) and the opening of the Sixth Seal of Revelation (2) are the same event. The connecting factor is the darkening of the sun and the moon before the Day of the LORD (3) or the fulfillment of Daniel's Last Week of Years (4).

1) Matt. 24:30, Mark 13:26, Luke 21:27
2) Rev. 6:12-17
3) Isa. 13:9-13, Isa. 24:21-23, Joel 2:10-11, 2:31, 3:14-15
4) Dan. 9:24-27

2. Three and a Half Years Left of Daniel's Last Week of Years

There are 3.5 years left of Daniel's Last Week of Years, as Jesus fulfilled the first half during His public ministry, culminating in His one-time sacrifice on the Cross, which made the other sacrifices of the Mosaic Law unnecessary (5).

5) Dan. 9:26-27

3. The Rapture Occurs in Connection with the Sixth Seal

The Rapture occurs in or around the opening of the Sixth Seal of Revelation, after which the Raptured appear before the Lord in Heaven (6). In connection with the opening of the Sixth Seal, the Elect, or the Jews chosen according to the election of grace (7), are also gathered and marked (8) by angels for protection during the last half of Daniel’s Last Week of Years (9). The Rapture will occur at the sounding of the Great Trumpet as Jesus described the coming of the Son of Man to be (10) and as Paul describes the Rapture occurring at the sounding of the last (11) Trump of God (12).

6) Rev. 7:9
7) Rom. 11:5
8) Matt. 24:31, Mark 13:27, Rev. 7:2-3
9) Rev. 12:6, 14
10) Matt. 24:30-31
11) 1 Cor. 15:52
12) 1 Thess. 4:16

4. The Great Tribulation Begins the Last Half of Daniel’s Last Week of Years

The Great Tribulation is a relatively short period of time, measured in days, from which no flesh would survive unless those days were shortened (13). Jesus also says that after the tribulation of those days the sun and the moon will be darkened (14) and the Son of Man will appear in the clouds. The Great Tribulation will spread worldwide (15) and ushers in the Day of the LORD, or the last half of Daniel’s Last Week of Years.

13) Matt. 24:22, Mark 13:20
14) Matt. 24:29, Mark 13:24
15) Rev. 3:10

5. The Abomination of Desolation at the End Times End is an Attack on Jerusalem, Israel

The Abomination of Desolation at the End Times end is the siege of Jerusalem, as Luke tells those in Judea to flee when they see Jerusalem surrounded by armies (16). The Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by Romans in 70 AD as Daniel prophesied (17) and its destruction is final (18).

16) Luke 21:20-21
17) Dan. 9:26
18) Dan. 9:26-27

6. The Day of the LORD Is Approaching

We are approaching the opening of the Sixth Seal and the beginning of the Day of the LORD. Revelation Seals 1-5 are the increasing “birth pangs” mentioned by Jesus (19) culminating in an attack on Israel and Jerusalem. This causes the LORD to intervene in world events and the fury of His Wrath to rise (20) at which point He sends His Son Jesus to snatch His Bride to His Heavenly Home and His angels to gather the Elect Israelites for protection in the wilderness so that all Israel would also turn to Him and be saved (21).

19) Matt. 24:8, Mark 13:8, see also Rev. 12:2
20) Ezek. 38:18-19
21) Rom. 11:25-26

7. Jesus Returns to the Earth After Three and a Half Years

The beasts of Revelation will rule over the earth for three and a half years (22). This period begins after the Abomination of Desolation and the Great Tribulation (23) with the darkening of the sun and the moon when the Sixth Seal is opened and the Son of Man appears in the clouds, and ends with the angel blowing the seventh trumpet when the time mentioned by Daniel “to the end of these wonders” is up (24). After this, the LORD will punish the earth and its sinners by pouring out the bowls of wrath on the earth (25) and descends from Heaven with His Bride to defeat the forces of satan gathered against Him (26) and establishes the Millennial Kingdom with His faithful people (27).

22) Rev. 13:5, Dan. 7:25
23) Matt. 24:15-21, Mark 13:14-19, Dan. 12:1
24) Dan. 12:6-7, Rev. 10:5-7
25) Rev. 16
26) Rev. 19
27) Rev. 20:1-6

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